We can help you or your company solve those technical or manufacturing problems.
Your business may be private, public or military sector, classified or non-classified, whatever...
We have the experience and knowledge to radically speed up and solve your technical issues, or we will get
you to companies who can...fast!!!
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We are in full compliance with; "Arms and Technology Export Restrictions I.T.A.R. and N.A.T.O., 22 USC 2778 CFR 120-130, including; 121.1 Category I.1.(x), Software."
Here is a list of some of our high tech services:
1.Physics, Acoustics and Dimentional Analysis
2.Computer Active or Passive Control Systems
3.Confidential, Non-Disclosure Patent Writing or Assistance
4.Artificial Intelligence
5.Computerized Vibration and Surface Control
6.Computerized "Smart Systems" (A.I.)
7.Computer Active and Passive Distortion Control Systems
8.Computerized High Frequency PetaHertz Feed Forward and "Learning Systems" (A.I.)
10.Magnetic Systems in Electromagnetic, Neodymium or Samarium Cobalt (non-superconductive)
11.Computerized, Digital and Analog Active Suspensions
12.Computer Control Systems
13. Smart and Flex Surfaces
14. Ultra Calibration, N.I.S.T., B.I.P.M. and beyond
15. Noise Reduction Systems (Active or Passive) and sound cancellation or damping
16. Microwaves; Health, Weapons and Cell phones
17. Firearm Suppressors
18. Patent writing or assistance (we are not attorney's)
19. High AMPERE 2000+ (9-16 volt) 24000 watt powercube, 1/10 cubic foot, less than 3 pounds! email us NEW PRODUCT!!
20. Shock waves and Explosives
21. Total Vibration Analysis