heres a little movie a customer made;
This microphone sensor is a pure metal alloy block, this makes it extremely strong and extremely hard to break.
Most microphone diaphram's (about 90%) are made by taking a sheet of thin plastic saran wrap and electrically charging it or giving it some outside electric power source, then connecting that to a mixer, multi-meter or db meter.
This works fine if you are measuring very quiet to normal sounds or singers, but when it's louder than about 125 db the problem with microphones that use plastic saran wrap diaphram's is that they;
1. begin to flex and stretch so hard it's going to tear
2. reach the internal movement maximum limit (maximum excursion)
3. reach there internal electrical power limit (voltage amplification limit)
These three problems with microphones are eliminated because metal alloy is stiffer, stronger and just plain better than plastic saran wrap microphones. This means superloud sounds over 125db are no problem for the metal alloy block.
To use this microphone:
So for example, your multi-meter says 0.746 volts or 746 millivolt's, which is less than ordinary 1.5 volt remote control battery. Now hold your calibration paper in your hand, and read the millivolt scale till you get to 746. Right next to the millivolt number is your db number, 153 db. as an example. With a little practice you can also estimate the db tenths, like 153.4. Or you can just use the computer software program #1 that comes with it free. It will do it for you to an accuracy of 0.001 db, instantly!
Some of our customers are car stereo competitors. This microphone sensor works perfectly for car stereo testing. We also do world class car stereo installations, and are responsible for many 150 to 170+ db car stereo's and world championship rides, so we are familiar with car sound testing.
Each microphone is individually hand calibrated with 3 independent computers and 4 independent precision electronic systems with actual high pressure sound waves, with cross reciprocity electronic amplification and source generator calibration. This is so each microphone gets a very accurate, independent calibration chart. SuperAccurate, N.I.S.T. CALIBRATED with certificate. If you can read, you can use this. After 5 minutes of practice using your microphone it literally takes just 1 second to know your exact db level.
We're convinced that you'll be a 100% satisfied and happy. We know you hate to guess. Stop the guessing, now you can find out for sure what your db level is, just like the professionals at a fraction of the price!