Space Time Electro Magnetic Unification Theory or "S.T.E.M." THEORY | |
"Space Time Electro Magnetic Unification Theory" © COPYRIGHT 2004 & 2005 by the author Mr. William Hamby III, No Part of this book or brief in whole or part may be sold, copied ,used, transfered, or transmitted electronically or physically without the expressed written consent of said same, Mr. William Hamby III. This 159 page book explains the basic format of this revolutionary new theory. S.T.E.M. Theory unifies, simplifies and clarifies most of the major concepts in classical Physics that until now were viewed separately and also solves OHM'S LAW, Magneto Motive Force, Magnetic Field Intensity, and essentially eliminates the use of the unit AMPERE, because strangely, it proves that AMPERE electricity is actually equal to METER distance!. It also proves that MASS = (OHM)((SECOND exp3))! The theory also proves much, much more. An absolute must have for all scientist and engineers. The core elements of the extensive proofs are in DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS form. I will identify whenever S.T.E.M. Theory, improves or increases the human body of knowledge
by placing the word NEW next to a concept or idea. The word BOTH whenever S.T.E.M. has a simpler, more clearer definition, but will still agree with current international standards of science knowledge. The word OLD whenever current TRADITIONAL knowledge is correct and still precisely describes a
phenomenon, but was needed by S.T.E.M. Theory to communicate effectively at a human level.
The current TRADITIONAL knowledge reference of physical data units can be found here:
Please notice, according to current knowledge there 7 qualities of the physical universe;
One of the many things S.T.E.M. theory proves is that; AMPERE and LENGTH are the same and perfectly interchangeable, so with STEM theory there are only 3 qualities of the physical universe; MASS, LENGTH, TIME! or MASS, AMPERE, TIME! With S.T.E.M. theory you can chose the unit known as AMPERE or LENGTH to eliminate! It is also possible to keep both, but change their relative exponential(order) values for further convinience. It also proves that MASS = (OHM)((SECOND exp3)). The initial motivation for the book was to determine pure answers and equations for "OHM's Law". Ohms law uses the ratios of voltage, ohm and amperage to establish the conditions of an electric system. However, the definition of one using another is incorrect circular logic, much like using an apple to explain an orange and using the both of them to explain a carrot, or vis-versa. This book eliminates the previously used circular definition for a stand alone real individual unit definitions, not only electric units but also magnetic and physical units. This raw data page will be updated continuously as often as possible! S.T.E.M. Theory photo is self explanatory, however the theory is more easily understood by those who have already had some elementary physics. Here is a simplified photo of the theory © (click photo to enlarge):S.T.E.M. theory can be viewed from several different perspectives! One may be more clear than another for learning purposes, however S.T.E.M. theory is one whole concept. Here are some of several relevant starting conditional forms of S.T.E.M. theory, using DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS:NEW; The unit HENRY and or the M.L.T.(Mass, Length, Time) exponential value of (zero,zero,zero) = (0,0,0) represents the center point and is crossed by 3 complex vectors, one called RESISTANCE, one called METERS, one called TIME is a primary form of S.T.E.M. theory physics The theory brief outline has about 25 main rules and theorums, and hundreds of minor outcomes. NEW,The 1st is a hypothetical PERFECT electromagnetic loudspeaker. BOTH,The 2nd is the standard accepted lorentz force parallel wire experiment as proof for the definition of the unit AMPERE of electricity. S.T.E.M. modifies, redefines and improves this experiment. NEW,The 3rd are 3 hypothetical wire sizes. The first is a room temperature electrical "SUPERWIRE" whose diameter is so large that the resistance at a length of 3EXP+8 meters(1 light second) of it is exactly 1 OHM. Also, at the opposite spectrum a small wire, a "UNIT OHM" wire with a diameter such that at room temperature it will have a resistance of 1 ohm per meter of length. There is also the smallest, it is an "ATOMIC FILAMENT" wire that is so small and thin that individual atoms must travel in a single file line stacked back to back through this wire, while also carrying their corresponding electrons(charges). BOTH,The 4th is a redefinition the unit HENRY with respect to FORCE, AMPERAGE, TESLA, VOLTAGE. NEW,The 5th provides new unit HENRY constants, and their numerical S.I. values. NEW,The 6th is a "tug of war" between a magnetic force and the LORENTZ force from a electric wire current. BOTHThe 7th is the radial variation in current and magnetic density inside a wire. NEW,The 8th is a raindrops on a convertible car windshield analogy for energy sinks and or non-specific resistance and or the light speed opportunity envelope. NEW,The 9th is when S.T.E.M. theory manipulates and interprets a real PHYSICAL problem, like a jet taking off an aircraft carrier and identifies and solves it in PURELY ELECTROMAGNETIC terms. Use momentum equal to mass times velocity equal to force multiplied by time, and energy equal to force multiplied by AMPERES, and (voltage = force/ time) as a good head start. NEW,The 1st basic elementary format of S.T.E.M. theory is to hypothesize a PERFECT electromagnetic loudspeaker.In this supposition, the loudspeaker receives 1 watt of electricity(1 watt of ELECTRIC power) It will then generate 1 acoustic watt of power(1 watt of PHYSICAL power) since it is perfectly 100 percent efficient. For convenience, it has a electric resistance of 1 ohm and therefore is receiving 1 volt and 1 ampere simultainiously. For further convenience, the front side face has 1 square meter of surface area. The rear face is enclosed by a box of VOLUME equal to 1 cubic meter, in one form of stem theory. In the other form of stem theory the rear inside of the box has a internal surface AREA of 1 square meter. In a non-convenient, difficult mathematical reduction, the sum of the total magnetic flux field(WEBER=FORCE) is transformed into a magnetic PRESSURE(TESLA), then this is then equated to the acoustic output sound PRESSURE(force/area) in one form of stem theory and acoustic INTENSITY(watts/area) in another form of stem theory. Further, in a different derivation the magnetic source is compared to the Direct Current voice coil AMPERAGE and the cone DISPLACEMENT(METERS). It is also assumed the magnetic circuit efficiency is 100 percent. What outputs when these hypothetical assumptions are made is truly amazing!From the human perspective some of these outcomes may seem quite bizarre. NEW,RULE 0: Physics problems can be easily and quickly solved using higher order exponential QUALITATIVE reductions, i.e. M.K.S.(meter, kilogram, second) units or M.L.T.(mass,length, time) units FIRST. Then NUMERIC data values are input later. Also the use of S.T.E.M. universal parenthesis notation for denoting the Mass, Length, Time such that: (mass exponent, length exponent, time exponent) greatly simplifies complex concepts or reductions.BOTH,RULE 0.5: The book uses M.L.T., M.K.S. or Meter Kilogram Second system. The entire book is explained
in the higher order exponents of these units, i.e. Force= (1,1,-2)= Kilograms to the power of 1, meters
to the power of 1, and seconds to the power of -2.
BOTH,RULE 0.6: Linear Algebra and or Vector Mathematics and exponent manipulation is applied and used everywhere in STEM theory, as a simple example: FORCE multiplied with DISTANCE = ENERGY, i.e.
(1,1,-2)(0,1,0) = (1,2,-2)
NEW,1 form of this theory has a 3 dimensional perspective: DISTANCE, RESISTANCE, TIME NEW, Rule 1: Distance in METERS is equal to electric AMPERAGE, i.e. METERS=AMPERES=(0,1,0).
They are also equivalent in higher orders, i.e. (METER)EXP(n) = (AMPERE)EXP(n) or (0,3,0)=(0,3,0) or (0,12,0)=(0,12,0) ect..
BOTH,Rule 2: A large number of previously separate unit QUALITIES are unified and simplified by divisional reduction by dividing all N.I.S.T., B.I.P.M., S.I. or M.K.S. or M.L.T. units by using (METERS = AMPERES) to reach the lowest common denominator or factor. NEW, Using (2,1,-4) for M.M.F.(Magneto Motive Force) provides further unifications.NEW,Rule 3: the correct units for M.M.F.(Magneto Motive Force) = (2,1,-4). Currently without S.T.E.M. Theory the entire scientific community ambiguously calls this an "Ampere-turn", and even more incorrectly give it units of "Amperes". NEW,Rule 4: MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY = (2,0,-4) = HENRY squared. Currently without S.T.E.M. Theory the entire scientific community ambiguously calls this an "(Ampere-turn)/meter", and even more incorrectly give it units of "Amperes/meter". BOTH,Rule 5: HENRY = (1,0,-2) = INDUCTANCE ELECTRIC = [VOLT/(AMPERE/SECOND)] NEW,Rule 5b: HENRY = (1,0,-2) = Force/Ampere = Force/Meter = RESISTANCE (physical) = STIFFNESS CONSTANT NEW,Rule 5c: HENRY = (1,0,-2) = HOOKE'S FORCE SPRING CONSTANT = Force/Meter = PHYSICAL STIFFNESS = [WEBER(magnetic)/Ampere] = [WEBER(magnetic)/Meter] = MAGNETIC RELUCTANCE = RESISTANCE(magnetic) BOTH,Rule 6: WEBER (Magnetic) = (1,1,-2) = Force (physical) BOTH,Definition 7: Relativity and speed of light= c = (0,1,-1) OLD,Definition 8: Frequency = (0,0,-1) = reciprocal Time NEW,Definition 8b: Frequency = (0,0,-1) = reciprocal Time = and its many, many different forms everywhere, expressed mathematically as the classical formula of resonance. OLD,Definition 9: Time = (0,0,1) OLD,Definition 10: Gravity = (-1,3,-2) BOTH,Rule 11: FARAD=(-1,0,4) NEW,Rule 11A: RECIPROCAL FARAD=(+1,0,-4) = 1 type of resistance in STEM THEORY OLD,Definition 12: Momentum=(1,1,-1) NEW,Rule 13: Electric OHM = (1,0,-3) BOTH,Rule 14: Drag (air or water) = (1,0,-1) = Z = (1 type of S.T.E.M. form resistance = ZETA, this is present day mechanical resistance, not the present day definition of complex reactance) NEW,Rule 15: RESISTANCE has 4 major forms: Drag, Ohm, Henry, Reciprocal Farad NEW,Rule 16: P.M.F.(Potential Motive Force) = HENRY = (1,0,-2) BOTH,Definition 17: E.M.F. (Electro Motive Force) = VOLT = (1,1,-3) = energy/charge = charge/capacitance NEW,Definition 17.5: VOLTAGE = energy/charge = (FORCE / SECOND) = (1, 1,-3) NEW,Rule 18: P.M.F., E.M.F., M.M.F., are complexly unified when viewed from another stem theory dimensional perspective photo. NEW,Rule 19: SPACE = VOLUME = DISTANCE cubed = AMPERAGE cubed = (0,3,0) NEW,Rule 20: MASS = (1,0,0) = (OHM)(SECOND cubed) = (1,0,-3)(0,0,3) NEW,Rule 21: HENRY (BL force factor) unit maximum = 59.9584916 (TESLA)(METERS) = 59.9584916 (NEWTONS / AMPERE) in the S.I. System NEW,Rule 22: Distance = Meter = Amperage = (light speed)(time) NEW,Rule 23: It is extremely rare or even impossible to have a single source 100% PURE form(not combined) of any physical constant like: Ampere, voltage, farad, ohm, force, M.M.F., Electric field, Henry, ect., and in part it is this lack of purity which "creates" and or generates alternate forms of Qualities. As an example a lack of zero electric resistance (0 ohms) creates ohms, ohms creates an opposition to the E.M.F.(voltage) this generates heat, the heat can be thought of as a transformation of AMPEREAGE(electron flow) and this AMPEREAGE creates the MAGNETIC FLUX(WEBER) through this distance of meters or AMPERES this creates the HENRY, through an AREA this creates the TESLA field. The TESLA field through a curvature in the electron flow generates the MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY, which when multiplied through meters distance or AMPERES generates the M.M.F. NEW,Definition 24: Area of Electromagnetic Hysteresis Loop (curve) = (3,-1,-6) = (M.M.F./meter)(TESLA) = (2,0,-4)(1,-1,-2) BOTH,Definition 25: PERMITTIVITY (electric)= farad per meter = Farad/meter = (-1,-1,4) BOTH,Definition 26: PERMEABILITY (magnetic)= henry per meter = Henry/meter = (1,-1,-2) NEW,Definition 27: Energy Sinks = (-1,-2,2) = reciprocal permeability per volume = reciprocal permeability / volume NEW,Definition 28: GAUSS'S LAW = {Electric Flux = Charge / Permittivity} = (0,1,1)/(-1,-1,4) = (1,2,-3) = (Voltage)(Amperage) = WATTS = Power = Energy / time, BOTH,In SI units, permittivity is measured in farads per metre (F/m), however,
NEW,Definition 30:Bohr Magneton = Joule /Tesla = (1,2,-2)/(1,-1,-2)= (0,3,0)= Volume more updates later;
for the complete theory and rigorous math proofs get the book, "SPACE TIME ELECTRO MAGNETIC (S.T.E.M.) UNIFICATION THEORY" © 2004 & 2005 by William Hamby IIIEXTRA STUFF; This is an amazing and related article for those who can understand it (a large ADOBE pdf file format); Method of Using Electrical Analogs of Physical Structures.pdf file